257 million toll passages gave NOK 3,406 million in revenue to Ferde in 2020. The revenue comes from over 20 toll projects that will finance road projects in Agder, Rogaland and Vestland.
Operating expenses were NOK 304 million, which amounted to 8.8% of revenues. This gives a cost of NOK 1.11 per toll passage. The calculation is based on a separate guide from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Last year, the company responded to 132,253 inquiries by telephone and 116,300 by e-mail.
Green framework
Ferde has today also published its first report in accordance with the green framework. Ferde is one of the largest issuers of green bonds in the Norwegian market with a total of outstanding green loans of NOK 5.3 billion as of 31 December 2020.
You can read the annual report for 2020 and the report on the green framework here