In the toll stations in Bergen, only the old stations have a rush hour fee. Rush hours are between 06: 30 and 09: 00 and between 14: 30 and 16: 30. The new toll stations that were installed in 2019 do not have rush hours fee.
When motorists with an AutoPASS agreement pass the toll stations, they will only be charged one passage within 60 minutes (hourly rate).
Drivers, who pass one of the new toll stations before passing one of the old ones, have so far not, or rarely been charged a rush hour fee. This will change 1 May 2021.
According to the tariff decision for the new toll stations that came into operations on 6 April 2019, it was the highest price that should be charged if a motorist made several passages in toll stations with different prices within one hour. This has not been possible in today's system solution. In Prop.11 S (2017-2018) Financing of the Bergen City Package in Hordaland, which was approved by the Government on 20 December 2017, it is specified that such a rule entails a functionality that is not possible to enforce in the current system solution for toll collection. So far, the price customers have been charged has been based on the first registered passage in the central system. The first registered passage is in most cases identical to the vehicle's first actual passage at the toll station.
From 1 May 2021, a new system solution will be operating. This will make it possible to charge the highest price for the toll passage when a motorist has done more than one passage within 60 minutes. With the new system solution in place, motorists will therefore pay the highest price if they have driven through several toll stations with different prices.