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E39 Svegatjørn-Rådal

New rates and discounts from 14.06.24

On 14.06.24 at 00:00 the toll rates in the tollstations E39 Endlausmarka, fv. 583 Bahus and fv. 153 Nordvik are adjusted according to the consumer price index (CPI).

At the same time, the discount is reduced from 50 to 30 per cent for zero-emission vehicles in rate group 1 after tag discount.

Other discounts and exemption apply as before.

Rates are adjusted on the basis of the decisions made by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration on 03.05.24.

The new rates without an agreement

  • Ordinary vehicles and zero-emission vehicles in rate group 1 - NOK 61.00
  • Ordinary vehicles and zero-emission vehicles in rate group 2 - NOK 121.00

The new rates with agreement

  • Ordinary vehicles in rate group 1 - NOK 48.80
  • Ordinary vehicles in rate group 2 - NOK 121.00
  • Zero-emission vehicles in rate group 1 - NOK 34.16
  • Zero-emission vehicles in rate group 2 - NOK 0.00

Rate group 1 is vehicles with a permissible total weight up to and including 3,500 kg, as well as vehicles in vehicle category M1 with an electronic tag and a valid agreement.
Rate group 2 is vehicles with a permissible total weight from and including 3501 kg, excl. vehicle in vehicle category M1 with an electronic tag and a valid agreement.

The rate decision can be appealed to the Samferdselsdepartementet within three weeks of announcement. Complaints should be sent to the Statens vegvesen Vegdirektoratet, Postboks 8142 Dep., 0033 Oslo, or