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Price adjustment of toll rates from 21 June 2024

On 21.06.2024, the toll rates in the Kvinnherad package will be adjusted.

The collection takes place on the ferry connections in Kvinnherad, except for the ferry routes Varaldsøy-Gjermundshavn and Matre-Skånevk.

The rates are adjusted based on the rate decision made by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration 08.05.24.

Rate groups og prices from 21.06.24:

  • Rate group AP1 (length 0-6 metres) NOK 44,00
  • Rate group AP2 (length >6-12,5 metres) NOK 87,00
  • Rate group AP3 (Length>12,5m og metres) NOK 131,00

Discount and exemption apply as before.

The rate decision can be appealed to the Samferdselsdepartementet within three weeks of announcement. Complaints should be sent to the Statens vegvesen Vegdirektoratet, Postboks 8142 Dep., 0033 Oslo, or