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Toll stations and prices

Payment for passings in one direction, towards the city centre.

Overview of toll stations in Førde

Vehicles under 3.5 tons

Rates from 01.07.24 at 12pm

Petrol/plug-in hybrids/diesel


Zero-emission vehicles


Previous rates

Petrol/plug-in hybrids/diesel


Zero-emission vehicles


Rates from 01.07.24 at 12pm

Petrol/plug-in hybrids/diesel


Zero-emission vehicles


Previous rates

Petrol/plug-in hybrids/diesel


Zero-emission vehicles


New rates from 01.07.24 at 12pm

Monthly maximum rate

With a valid AutoPass agreement and a tag connected to your vehicle, you will not be charged more than 30 passings in Førde. This applies per calendar month and per vehicle/tag.

Hourly rate

With the hourly rate, this means that you only pay for one passage if the same vehicle passes several toll stations in the same toll project within 60 minutes.

From 01.09.23, there is no requirement for an AutoPASS user agreement to get the hourly rate in the Førdepakken.


Persons with reduced mobility who have a valid parking permit from the municipality are entitled to exemption from tolls in connection with urban areas.

If you have a valid AutoPass agreement, you can connect your parking permit to you agreement to obtain an exemption in toll stations in Førde.

About exemptions
Zero-emission vehicles

Zero-emission vehicles are defined as electric vehicles and hydrogen vehicles in rate group 1 and rate group 2. To obtain discount or, in some cases, an exemption there must be a valid AutoPass agreement connected to the vehicle. Zero-emission vehicles in rate group 1 will be charged toll rates that corresponds to 50 or 70 percent of ordinary rates after the tag discount. There will be no charge for passings with zero-emission vehicles in rate group 2 for the time being.

In Førde, the price for zero-emission vehicles in rate group 1 is 70 percent of ordinary vehicles after the AutoPASS discount from 01.09.23

Create agreement

The purpose of Førdepakken is to contribute to a better development of Førde town centre.

This will be achieved by establishing road links which will provide a more concentrated land use in the long run, and building a better solution for pedestrians and cyclists to ensure that a larger portion of the Førde traffic will be replaced by cyclists and pedestrians.

More road links and more walking and cycling will contribute to smoother traffic in central parts of Førde.