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Price adjustment of toll rates from 01.01.23

On 01.01.2023 the collection of tolls will start on five ferry routes in the Kvinnherad package.

Tariff groups and prices:

  • Rate group AP1 (length 0-6 metres) NOK 41.00
  • Rate group AP2 (length >6-12 metres) NOK 83.00
  • Rate group AP3 (length >12.5m and longer) NOK 124.00

Collection takes place on the following ferry routes:

  • Ranavik – Skjersholmane
  • Gjermundshamn – Årsnes
  • Varaldsøy – Årsnes
  • Matre - Utåker
  • Skånevik - Utåker

Tolls are not collected on the Varaldsøy - Gjermundshamn or Matre - Skånevik routes.
The rates are set on the basis of the rate decision decided by the Road Directorate on 21.11.22.

No discount is given on the toll rates, with the exception of zero-emission vehicles which receive a 50 per cent discount, provided a valid user agreement and tag are in place.

Exemptions are granted according to the rate guidelines applicable at any time. Granting of an application for an exemption for public transport on a licensed route requires a valid user agreement and tag.
Motorcycles and mopeds are not charged for tolls.

The rate decision can be appealed to the Samferdselsdepartementet within three weeks of announcement.
Complaints should be sent to the Statens vegvesen Vegdirektoratet, Postboks 8142 Dep., 0033 Oslo, or